
Effort is your all-in-one tool for planning, journaling, and task management. Track and see your progress over time with the power of spreadsheets.

Our Origin

Effort began as a todo list.

Day after day, many of us make todo lists to keep a handle on our lives and avoid becoming overwhelmed. And throughout that day, we do our best to check off it’s contents.

However, there’s one major problem — each day’s list begins blank and bereft of what’s left to accomplish from yesterday. Constantly starting a new and blank list, page, note, or tab is what we call “blank page” or “page turn” fatigue.

Effort attempts to keep all of your notebook’s material within sight and easy reach so you don’t have to start from a dead stop, over and over again.

Effort’s goal to be as useful as possible broadens its scope beyond just tasks. It serves to keep you motivated, show you your progress, and house everything you want to store in one place.

It’s the only notebook built inside the humble spreadsheet.

Building on Spreadsheets

Despite their unlucky reputation, spreadsheets are the perfect foundation for a knowledge book. They are flexible, powerful, and purpose built for holding copious amounts of information. On their own, they make great lists; with the power of automation, they make great notebooks.

Perhaps most important, spreadsheets are consumer-oriented data structures. Unlike proprietary software that locks your data away, spreadsheets empowers their users. It's a format that transcends company platforms and debunk the threat of obsoletion — they’re here to stay!

Our Goal

Effort’s ultimate goal is to be your personal knowledge database. It wants to replace the scattered notebooks, digital clutter, and complex productivity tools that dominate our lives. And by grounding itself in the familiar and ubiquitous spreadsheet, we've think we’ve done just that.

If you’ve bullet journaled, notebooked, or done anything similar, we think you’ll find that Effort has something in store for you.

It’s our goal that Effort will be last notebook you’ll ever need to buy.




Take credit for your efforts.

Even the daily grind should reflect your progress. Effort captures the small wins alongside the big ones. Log the time you spend running errands, attending events, or even relaxing – it all contributes to a well-rounded life.

Experience it free for 30 days. Not in love? Cancel anytime, hassle-free.